New members download this form and support Shores of South Devon until December 31st 2024. Existing members can renew by paying £10 by Bank Transfer to our NatWest account “Shores of South Devon”, sort code: 51-61-23 a/c no: 72641576 referenced with your name and ‘2024’.
Strawberry anemone at Coryton Cove with uv at night by Sue Watson-Bate
Note. Low water is up to 30 minutes earlier at Plymouth and roughly the same time at Exmouth.
I wish to join Shores of South Devon, but the application form is a pdf and no entries can be made. Please explain how I can submit an application.
Hi Michael
I’m not sure how you’ve got a pdf file. It comes up as docx when I download it. Please try again.
Toby Sherwin